
Showing posts from February, 2025

we at the hotel, motel, holiday inn 🏨

  Hello from the Bahamas! πŸ‡§πŸ‡Έ (for the last time πŸ₯Ή) Friday morning marked our last day in San Salvador. For breakfast, we had pancakes and bacon, of course. We all found closure with the island in our ways, through final dips in the water, walks along the sand, and soaking up as much beach time as possible. All of us experienced mixed emotions as we prepared for our journey home. Some never wanted to leave, while others were ready for their own beds, pets, and family. Loose ends were tied, bags were packed and loaded, one last meal of pizza was had, and we all piled into Truck Y for the very last time.  We had one last stop at Wendys before boarding our flight to Nassau.  We landed in Nassau and were graciously greeted by our shuttle which had music AND AC!!! We stayed β€œat the motel, hotel, Holiday inn” -Pitbull 😎 We got our room situated and parted into 2 groups. The majority of the group went to a Fish Fry place where they enjoyed conch fritters, grilled conch, ...