Into The Deep End

    Today adventure started even earlier then normal with a 6:00 am wakeup call in order to make it to our boat reservation. Before leaving we stopped by the cafeteria for a quick breakfast of muffins and cereal. Arriving at the boat we met Captain Westley and guide David where they stole our shoes and loaded us onto the boat.  After a short little drive we found ourself above Natural Bridges reef. With the risk of being teased by David, nobody hesitated to jump off the boat not knowing how deep the bottom actually was. During our session we got to explore a patch reef 15-20 feet below the surface. After a short 30 minute swim we started to load back into the boat, while some people learned the lesson not to take off your fins too far from the boat. Once everyone was back on the boat and roll call was taken (fortunately everyone was presented and accounted for) Captain Westley took us to our second dive site, Split Reef. Here many students went on the hunt to see a shark. Fortunately or unfortunately depending  on who you ask no sharks were seen at this location. There were large bar jacks that liked to swim directly at people, interesting sponges, trumpet fish that evaded Mike, and a huge lobster. Finishing up our second dive we started to make our way back to the Research Center with the hope of stopping by Wendy's on our way back. Sadly, Wendy's was closed as it was only 9 am.

The rest of the morning was free time. Some of the group went to the beach, some took much needed naps (not to name any names but some people were getting a little know who you are), and others were responsible and did schoolwork. The wifi was out in the dorms today so many headed to the lab for school, and other uses. Lunch today was lasagna and salad. After the light breakfast, there were no leftovers on our plates. Class was moved up earlier in the day so we had to go snorkeling in the dark that night. We also turned in another figure analyses (thanks mike). Dinner was chicken, veggies, rice, and baked beans. Most of the group gets to dinner 15 minutes early to secure inside seating( the gnats devour us).

We met up at 7 pm in the lab to grab our dive lights and prepare for the adventure. We were told to wear pants and shirts while snorkeling so the box jellies don't sting (Mike wore shorts and no shirt, really teaching by example their mike). Some students were hesitant about getting in the dark gloomy water, and ruminated over it on our nerve inducing walk over. Luckily Jordan lit up the path with her headlamp. After some motivational words by Mike himself most of the students got in the water. Within the first 5 minutes turtles were spotted. There was also a large amount of cowfish (they looked very squeezable). Within the next 5 minutes a six foot nurse shark was spotted. She swam directly under Helena and Greta. Near the end of the session, the boys started to get attacked but tiny glass fish that liked to jump into peoples ears, shirts, mouths and fins. Many of the girls thought this funny up until the fish started to attack them too. While the fish attack occurred the night sky was brilliant above, with clear constellations and the Milky Way. After that Mike decided it was time to herd everyone back to shore. Of course there were some detours including squid, and a juvenile moray eel.

Many of the students are starting to feel the Groundhog Day effect but spirits are still high, especially after seeing the shark. After returning from our night snorkeling many of the students headed straight to shower then bed while a few students stayed up to finish their figure analysis they should have done earlier. (I'm looking at you Blake and Julian) 

Signing off, 

Greta and Jacob


  1. beautiful pictures and love the humor in your writing, makes for a fun read about your adventures! thanks so much for sharing!

  2. I bet seeing that nurse shark was pretty cool. And turtles!! Sounds like a great day. Hopefully you will hit Wendy's next time through.

  3. Such a great day! Glass fish don’t sound pleasant!


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