A Snap Shot of our Saturday

Our class began the day by dividing and conquering, as some groups still had data to collect. So a small group, along with Mike, went to Rocky Point to measure sea fans, while the rest of us caught up on some (much needed) sleep. Rocky Point was finally ideal of collecting sea fan data and waves were no longer crashing on top of our data collection site. Unfortunately for those that stayed on base, the group that went to Rocky point was lucky enough to encounter another pod of dolphins. This time around there was a pod of three, which Mike thought was a mating pair and a baby. They didn't stay as long as the first group, but they were very playful and made funky noises underwater. Good ole Derek, however, decided to forget his camera, and therefore we have no footage of the event!

After some delicious tuna and egg salad sandwiches, t
he whole group headed to Snapshot Reef for a site-seeing snorkeling trip. This reef was relatively far off shore, but the conditions made it an easy swim. This reef was definitely one of our favorites! It consisted of several tall reef systems surrounded by small patch reefs. We spotted a couple southern stingrays on our way out, and even some yellow stingrays. We also saw two flying gurnards, which were some of the coolest fish we've seen so far! A big puffer fish was spotted under a patch reef as well.

After our day out, we had dinner and worked on our research projects, and then presented our data and results to the class. Mid-presentation by the Dam-Urchins research group, we were rudely interrupted by a massive rat running across the classroom floor. Mary quickly jumped up on her chair to get out of the way! Overall, the marine animals were much prettier than the land animals today!

Luke & Kate <3 2k19


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