Inter Tidal Tuesday (Part 2)

We started our day off with some free time to work on our figure analysis and our group proposals. A lot of people took advantage of the 28 mph wind by doing laundry and putting their clothes up to dry on the line. Some of us went on a run to North Point to see the view and get in a good workout running into the wind.

After lunch we made plans to go to Bone Fish Bay for inter tidal examinations using transects and quadrats to identify living organisms during low tide. 

After a brief discussion we were free to explore the inter tidal. We found many cool things including spider crabs, little sea urchins, a large and old snail, and a baby Sergeant major (aka Sarg). We proceeded to play in the sand as many children would do. 

Finally, we ended the day at Wendy's to get our day's fix of ice cream (there was only coffee flavored) and dominoes. Kate won 3 games in a row but sadly, Mike didn't win once. 

-Megan and Luke


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