Stuck on Science

Today was a whirlwind of a day! We started off the day heading to Pigeon Creek Estuary. On our way there, we made a quick pit stop so that Team Meiofauna could collect some samples. The bottom of the water looked stable, however, it was more like quicksand. Derek, who graciously volunteered to help, ended up getting stuck. We also found a flat worm floating in the water that we appropriately named Flat Stanley! Once we finished collecting samples, we headed to the estuary to look at urchins. We all jumped in to help both of our urchin teams in collecting data. Along the way we paused to marvel at some Acetabularia, a single celled green algae.

After a long swim and some chilly water, we were ready for lunch. We stopped at French's Bay for lunch and because a few extra group members joined us, we were short a few sandwiches, but we pulled it together and enjoyed our view.

From there we headed off to Telephone pole reef for more data collection! Team Patch Reefers, and the Urchin groups headed out on another round of data collection, which proved to be very successful. After we got out of the water we headed to Wendy's Snack Shack for some much needed ice cream. Then we hurried back to the GRC for a shower and dinner! After all the time in the sun today the cold showers on campus felt very refreshing. Now it's time to work on yet another figure analysis before a seminar on Christopher Columbus tonight. We can't wait to see what tomorrows adventures hold!

-Becca and Alex


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