Us: What day is it again? Mike: FRIDAY

We awoke bright and early for breakfast at 7:30 again. This is our seventh day in the Bahamas, and fifth day at the Gerace Research Center. After wrapping up our results from the previous day in the laboratory, we prepared for a day at the Pigeon Creek estuary on the eastern side of the island. We were under the impression that we were a little lost on the drive to the estuary, but after one U-turn and a lot of trust in Mike Behrens we finally made it. The water was unexpectedly clear and a little chillier than we have been used to due to the wind, but we gathered our gear and prepared to explore. We arrived before high tide, so we had to swim into the current, making for a difficult swim. Despite feeling a little tired from fighting the current, we snorkeled longer in the estuary than in any other location we have visited. Prior to leaving for the Bahamas, we spent a considerable amount of time discussing the importance that mangroves have on the shore, including being an important habitat for fishes. Mangroves lined the estuary and housed many interesting species that we spotted today.

Luke was first the find the a small barracuda and yelled for Alex to see it. During the chase, a much larger 4 foot barracuda emerged, but Luke's high-pitched squeal and kicking scared it off before the most of the class could see it.

We also found a baby conch with its eyes out, as well as several larger sea stars.

After visiting the estuary, we stopped for lunch at a very sunny spot with no trees or shade. Thanks, Mike. Kenzie did her best to avoid the sun, and eventually we all decided to jump into the water for a swim to cool off, despite the "sharky" appearing water. We swam for another 30-45 minutes, to our disappointment (or for some, relief)  we did not see any sharks. We still have plenty of days left and we need something to top the dolphins. 

-Derek and Megan


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