Hello, San Salvador!

 With a class average of 2 hours of sleep we started our day in the hotel lobby at 5:15 AM. Well… all of us except two anonymous individuals who slept in. We then split into two groups and took separate shuttles to the Miami airport. On the second shuttle Mike generously gave up his seat to sit by the door as protection from the Miami locals. 

After getting a quick breakfast and taking a quick hop to Nassau we observed our limited food options at the airport and settled on Wendy’s and Dunkin Donuts. We then spent a few hours enjoying the fresh air outside and “studying” for our upcoming exam. 

We then made our way to the domestic terminal where we patiently awaited our flight, which ended up being delayed one hour. We then made our way out to the tarmac where we boarded our tiny plane with well welcomed relief of seeing our bags being loaded on.

We took another short hop to our final destination, San Salvador, while we all gazed out at the blue water of the Bahamas in awe. After landing we met up with the station director, Troy, who generously helped us load our luggage onto the open bed truck and drove us to the Gerace Research Center. 

After a short orientation we dropped off our luggage in our rooms, got extra beds to accommodate 6 people in each, and headed off to dinner. At dinner we enjoyed a lovely meatloaf prepared by the station staff while the mosquitos enjoyed their meal, us. 

After a long day of travel, we all settled into our rooms and are very excited for our first full day on the island tomorrow, which will hopefully be filled with an island tour and some snorkeling! 

See you tomorrow!!

Sincerely - Alesandra and Breana


  1. Thanks for the great pictures and update! Love this and glad you made it there safely!

  2. Great pictures. Love hearing about your adventures.

  3. Love the pictures and loved hearing about your adventures! Thank you for sharing.

  4. This is so fun to follow! Reading the details of the trip, while Liz enjoys her time is awesome! Thank you so much for the updates…and really loving the pictures! Thank you!

  5. Enjoy every minute you guys!!


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