Tidal Tuesday

 We started the day off with a breakfast of bagels, eggs, oatmeal and muffins. Sadly there was no cream cheese to accompany the bagels, something some people were looking forward to all week.

Then we had a couple hours of free time which we all spent finishing up the figure analysis due in a couple of hours and putting together some slides to share our proposal data in class that evening.

We then regrouped at lunch and enjoyed grilled cheese and vegetable soup before heading to class at 12:45. After Mike helped explain to us a figure with complicated methods, it was time to head into the field. 

We went to Bonefish Bay, (no actual bones found don't worry) at low tide to sample the intertidal. Mike then told us to create 2 transects looking at zonation patterns and then sat and watched as we struggled in the heat. 

After much frustration we finally set it up the Mike approved way and counted a variety of organisms including snails, algae, muscles, sea urchins, limpets and more.

We then walked down the beach into some knee-deep water to look at a coral reef just below the surface. Dominated by pink hard corals we also found cool crabs, sponges, and anemones. 

After a quick ice cream stop at Wendy's we headed back for a 30 min power nap before dinner. After our delicious chicken, sweet potatoes, carrots, and green beans with chocolate cake for dessert we all met in the lab for class part 2. For this each group gave a quick presentation with the data they collected last week and shared ideas about how to make it into a larger proposal.

Then the majority of us decided to go night snorkeling at the pipe, a 2 minute walk away. 

We had chicken and sweet potatoes for dinner, and we prepared for our first presentation we were going to have in class at 7PM. 


Alesandra, Julian, and Ingvild


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