Mermaids on Iguana Island

Faithful readers,

We started our day with a wonderful breakfast of scrambled eggs, blueberry muffins, and a choice of grits or oatmeal. During breakfast there was much debate about what our day would hold. We hoped to swim to Iguana Island, but Mike said the water might be too rough, so Snapshot Reef was our backup plan. As usual, we met at Truck Y at 8:30 ready for the day. 

We headed out to the beach located across the high school. The beach was absolutely beautiful. We swam across to Iguana Island. We got there and tell me why we climbed a whole mountain???!! I was winded before I even got to the top. Mike said Iguana Island, so in my head I was gonna see 50 iguanas greeting us by the time we got to shore. In my head the iguanas would’ve been as long as me…I’m like 5’0…6’7 on a good day. When we got to the top of this…cliff basically, I saw midget iguanas. I was…disappointed, but they were cute, so I let it slide for the day. I also forgot to mention that I only saw 3. 

After our little hike, everyone relaxed in the water for a little bit. Some went exploring, others decided to float, and others still played mermaids and sang songs. Eventually we had to take the rough swim back so we would make it in time for lunch. And BOY was it worth it….it was chicken sandwich day, a class favorite. 

After lunch the crew dispersed. We worked on a mix of figure analyses, research project proposals, and laundry (today seemed to be a constant cycle as people prepare to pack). Then, it was already time for dinner! The wonderful Gerace kitchen staff served us pork chops, rice, curry, and vegetables, along with delicious blue drink. 

We finished off the day with class, where the last two research groups presented their proposals and then we went over a paper. This paper was on invasive species, specifically lion fish, and how they are bad for native populations (rip fairy basslets). We tried to do this as quickly as possible, as many of our group is passing around a cold, and they wanted to get to bed early. 

Now, your lovely writers sit in the classroom writing this blog, while several students play games and others are off to bed. 

We cannot wait to enjoy our last full day at Gerace tomorrow!! How quick it has come:( 

As always, thanks for tuning in!

Sophia, Francine, and Kennedy 


  1. Iguanas are all kinds of cool. My friend Scott had a pet one named Fluffy. He wasn't very. Fluffy, I mean. Not very at all. He was rather....well....he was smooth. He felt like a firmly packed bread dough ball when you held him, which for me wasn't often because Fluffy scared me. A bit. Not a lot. A bit. I'm sorry about the cold going 'round. I hope you all feel better soon. What a journey--what a great experience! Perhaps you could ceremoniously name one of the iguanas before you leave? Perhaps Fluffy 2? I'll tell my friend, Scott. He's cool (well, weird...) like that. Looking forward to your homecoming.


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