Hello Seattle

We woke bright and early to catch the shuttle from the hotel to the airport at 5:00 AM. We took another picture in the shuttle (before is our first day in Nassau and after is our last day) Once we arrived at the airport, we dropped off our bags and headed through customs. While we waited to board the plane, some of us bought last minute souvenirs. We were happy to see a Starbucks in the airport and got our early morning caffeine! The first flight was full of sleep and movies, and we were happy we had no test to study for this time. Once we got to Atlanta, we scouted out the food and got busy working on our final projects. Although we had a five hour layover, the time went by fast. We had an amazing trip to the Bahamas and we are sad to leave. We learned a lot about the coral reef fishes and the corals. We got a small taste of the Bohemian culture. We are very grateful for our experience. We appreciate all those who supported us as we embarked on our three week ...