We've Got a Lovely Bunch of Coconuts

Today was a day of foiled plans and improvisation. Some of us woke up early again to view the sunrise, and some of us stayed up until 1:00 AM talking to Mike. We had planned to hit Rocky Point for more data collection, but the wind made conditions a little bit too "rocky" to get in the water. The Sea Fan group plus some volunteers ended up hitting up the store in town for some Calamine lotion and baking soda for the endless No See 'Em bites we've all sustained in the past view days.

The Patch Reef group and the Damselfish/Urchin group migrated up to North Point for their data collection. While there, Mike hunted down a 15 foot pole and used it to pull down some coconuts, moderately injuring himself in the process. Kenzie and Megan were grateful to break into some fresh coconut milk (or take a coconut milk shower).

The rest of us spent a lot of the day looking up primary literature for our final project. After lunch, a few of us volunteered with the local elementary school to educate them about marine biology and work on social skills with interviews. Many of the students do not get to interact with people outside of the island until at least college age, so it is great to help them get experience to engage with other cultures and prepare for college in the states. It was cool for us to get to meet some of the local kids.



Plans for the rest of the night include making fools of ourselves at Karaoke Night and playing cards and dominoes! Tomorrow looks like a long day of snorkelling and data collection at Pigeon Creek Estuary, Telephone Pole Reef, and hopefully Rocky Point again.

-Hannah and Danielle


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