The New Normal

Monday, Jan 13 

We began our 2nd day at Gerace with breakfast at 7:30am of eggs, bagels, and oatmeal. As we ate, Mike informed us we needed to be in the truck, ready to go by 8:30am. We hoped to go to snorkel at Rocky Point, but the conditions were rough and not suitable for us beginners. 

Mike investigating the conditions at Rocky Point. 

We then went with our backup plan of snapshot! We snorkeled at the reef for about an hour. We found lots of chromis fish, parrot fish, and a burr fish! 

The reef at Snapshot.

Blue Tang Surgeonfish. 

Burr fish (pufferfish).

After returning from snorkeling, the group enjoyed a lunch of burgers and fries, then were assigned our first figure analysis. Some chose to work on the assignment in the classroom, then go to the beach afterwards, while others worked on the figure analysis at the Collapsed Pier down the street. 

The collapsed Navy Pier at Graham’s Harbor. Famous for sea turtle sightings (when you have snorkel gear). 

The group came back together for a dinner of spaghetti and garlic bread, then headed to class for the evening. We turned in our figure analysis, discussed the species interactions we observed in the field, and discussed trophic cascades, the focus of our figure analysis. 

Now, finally back in our rooms after a very long day, we hope and we pray the bugs will not bite us more than they already have. Some are suffering at the hands of bugs more than others, we speculate if it may have something to do with Morgan and Madi having a B blood type…

Madi and Morgan showing off their numerous bug bites- they each counted 100+ on just their left arm. 

Love from Gerace, 

Cooper and Zoe


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